Wednesday 10 April 2019

5 Ways of Mastering the Art of SEO

Have you ever thought of trying your luck at SEO (search engine optimization)? Everyone has a chance to, and these tips for beginners will provide you with some helpful clues.

SEO Education: 5 Tips to Start with

Matt Cutts, Danny Sullivan, Brian Dean, Bruce Clay, Larry Kim… If you hear these names for the first time, you probably know nothing about search engine optimization.

However, who said that you could not become as cool as these fellows? As Search Engine Journal (SEJ) reports, SEO jobs are up 43% year over year. The importance of SEO experts in a company can hardly be overestimated, especially when it comes to e-commerce.

If you have a strong desire to learn all the ins and outs of SEO, you will find our five SEO optimization tips for 2019 quite useful.

Try This Piece of Pie First!

According to statistics, an average salary of an SEO specialist per year is close to $66,000. That is a good reason for job seekers to want to become one. However, you should be prepared to pass some tests and put a lot of effort into boosting your SEO skills to use first.

For example, you may begin with keyword research. There are some free and paid services like Ahrefs, Semrush, and Google Analytics that you can use to find out whether this is your true calling. The said services help to detect keywords and key phrases, as well as their volume and difficulty, based on the words you enter in the search field.

Familiarize Yourself with the World of SEO

Even if you believe you know everything about search engine optimization from your friends working in this field, catch up with all the latest news. SEO is very unstable and unpredictable. The rules of the game may change every day, so you should keep your eyes open wide.

The best way to stay on top of industry trends is to follow leading SEO experts on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. You may also join various groups and communities dedicated to this topic. Rand Fishkin is one of the numerous SEO gurus out there who can provide you with valuable advice. You can even contact some of the specialists, but do not expect them to reply quickly. The best platform for learning SEO is Twitter as it has the largest number of SEO-dedicated groups and relevant games. These are the top blogs for enthusiasts:
  • Mom Blog
  • Neil Patel’s Blog
  • SEO Book
  • Search Engine Land
You will find plenty of SEO tips for beginners on these websites.

Look for a Coach

Just as a football player needs a football coach, a potential SEO expert needs a guru in this field. It is, perhaps, one of the most critical steps as it may be difficult and somewhat confusing to figure out all the ins and outs of SEO on your own. You will need someone to explain it to you so you could have some idea of how different things work. It’s not copywriting where you can learn all of the basics with the help of video lessons and some guides. SEO requires in-depth research and understanding.

Read as Much as You Can

You can find hundreds if not thousands of books and e-books dedicated to SEO. They usually explain everything: from the process of website development to full SEO optimization. You should start with a textbook for students and move on to more complicated guides. Here are six SEO books that are definitely worth checking out:
  • SEJ’s SEO 101: Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimization
  • The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies
  • Marketing in the Age of Google
  • The Link Building Book
  • Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content
Have these books in your pocket to study SEO faster!

Try SEO Writing

Many SEO experts combine what they do with content writing and copywriting. It helps them to work more productively as they start to understand how writers view the business. You should practice by, for example, starting your own blog and watching how well it is doing.

Were these quick SEO educational tips useful? Try each of them to find out whether SEO is something you are really looking forward to learning in your life!



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