Thursday 19 December 2019

Top 5 Technology trends in 2020

From the exponential growth of the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, and immersive digital experiences to the future of data security, management, and storage. 2020 is just around the corner with new technologies and approaches that bring us ever closer to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

What was but a theory yesterday may as well become a standard tomorrow. The increasingly rapid pace at which technology is evolving today makes it extremely hard but crucial for companies to keep up with every change, every bit of progress in the digital world.

1. Edge Computing

Internet-of-Things systems, industrial automation, augmented reality, and other promising technologies that rely on high-performance computing require a significantly lower latency to show their full potential than cloud computing can provide today.

Thus, the devices become small, local data centers capable of efficiently processing data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to the cloud. The idea of keeping traffic local and distributed helps companies to drastically improve response times, save bandwidth, as well as enable greater autonomy of their software and hardware solutions. According to the report by Allied Market Research, the global edge computing market is expected to reach $16.55 billion by 2025 and create various new jobs, primarily for software engineers.

One of the most successful examples of edge computing is Amazon’s PrimeAir and its package delivery drones. This raises an increased interest in edge computing and its distributed capabilities. Microsoft Azure—showing a perfect fit for the needs of thousands of companies today, there are still many current and emerging technologies that require a different approach to information processing.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Today AI-powered software is an integral component of digital transformation strategies of practically every company out there. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other cognitive tools drive automation across IT ecosystems. The statistic shows that the global AI software market will reach approximately 15 billion dollars in 2020 which means AI is becoming a lot more than just a trend.

Organizations redesign their core systems, establish new business approaches, and reorganize their processes around AI solutions and their strongest cognitive possibilities: data-driven insights, data-informed decision making, and increased productivity. The adoption has already begun across industries—from ubiquitous chatbots to complex predictive analytics tools—and the demand for AI-powered solutions is growing at a great pace.

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The most realistic options to consider in 2020 are AI-as-a-service and open-algorithm models. Though still pretty pricey in terms of customization to the specific tasks an organization may require, the AI-as-a-service model will be an attainable option provided by the likes of Google, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft.

3. Robotic Process Automation and Hyperautomation

While automation has always been a hot topic for numerous employment disputes—recent Forrester Research report estimates that automation currently threatens about 9% of the global workforce—today merely 5% of jobs can be entirely automated.

Over the next decade, the technology is more likely to alter existing jobs, making them easier to do through partial automation, and significantly increase the demand for business analysts, software architects, engineers, and other IT personnel. Like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is meant to make our lives easier through digital transformation and automation of complex business processes—data processing, workflow optimization, supply chain management, and other complex, repetitive tasks that once required humans.

Such AI-fueled decision making will drive significant value and business opportunities for companies that adopt it the earliest in the next decade. The next step in automation will be combining RPA with the aforementioned AI, ML—as well as other automation tools, intelligent business management software, and process mining techniques—that give us the opportunity to automate processes and augment humans in even more impactful ways.

4. Extended Reality

Extended reality (XR) is a term that refers to the three representative forms of immersive digital experiences provided by computer technology and wearables: virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR).

AR provides an interactive experience by enhancing real-world objects with computer-generated perceptual information that you can interact with through smartphones, tablets, eyeglasses, and all kinds of other devices. Even though XR technologies are mostly applied in entertainment and experiential marketing today, they are changing the way we perceive and interact with the real and digital world.

In 2020 and forth, these technologies are expected to be widely implemented across numerous other domains like healthcare, education, and retail. VR is a full immersion into a digital environment where you interact with digital objects using special headsets with controllers or multi-projected environments.

5. Intelligent Interfaces

One of the most common features of these human-computer interfaces is the ability to gather data about the user, predict what the user wants, and provide them with information or services more adequate to their needs. Extensive capabilities of artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, robotics, edge computing, and extended reality in combination with human-centered design techniques open the way for a system called Intelligent Interface.

Over the next decade, there will be major improvements in natural language processing, computer vision, facial recognition, eye tracking, emotion recognition, gesture control, and other related technologies that will drive the development of new, advanced intelligent interfaces for both private and business needs.

Such significantly more intuitive and efficient interfaces will play a huge role in the Industry 4.0 transformation. Intelligent interfaces will be able to understand customers at a deeper level, providing them with more personalized services and custom products. The convenience of intelligent interfaces and their cognitive capabilities will help companies enhance the individual productivity of every employee and increase the company’s overall operational efficiency.



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