Wednesday, 24 February 2021

What is software platforms? Types of software platforms in 2021

Software platform is hardware and software architecture that acts as foundation or base upon which other applications, processes, or technologies are developed. And, an application also can serve as software platforms if it’s base for other programs. For instance, the web browsers that we use in our day to day life accept few third-party plugins, and hence browser application becomes platform for interfacing.

In recent times, almost every software enterprise builds some quite ‘platform’. Yet all platforms that are created aren’t same. Facebook, Amazon Web Services, Amazon Marketplace, Google Search, Android, Uber are all platforms.


Now let us discuss the various types of software platforms. They are :

1. Content Distribution Platforms:

Google AdSense, Propeller Ads, and Millennial Media are samples of Content Distribution Platforms. And, more content available on platform, more attractive platform becomes. User reach and accuracy of content matching are two most important aspects of this platform.

2. Interaction Networks:

Digital interactions can be in form of message, voice call, image, or money transfer. Furthermore, users join platform to interact with other users, and thus first network effect is between users of platform. Users attract users, who attract more users. All interactions on platform are ground to specific accounts.

3. Utility Platforms:

There is no network effect within useful service itself. Users attract businesses, but businesses on platform don’t necessarily attract users. Google Search, Bing, Kayak, Skyscanner are some examples of Utility Platforms. Utility Platforms attract their users by providing useful and also usually free service.

Users attract businesses, but businesses on platform don’t necessarily attract users. We attend Google Search trying to find information, to not see ads.

4. Technology Platforms:

For instance, while OTT’s like Netflix and Amazon Prime run its video streaming services on top of Amazon Web Services platform (AWS), top-level users interact solely with Netflix and Amazon Prime. And, amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are some examples of Technology Platforms. Technology Platforms provide building blocks or services that are reused during sizable amount of products.

As a result, Technology Platforms are much easier to launch than multi-sided or peer-to-peer platforms. Technology platforms grow with favorable reception by developers and do not rely on interaction between demand side and supply side.

5. Marketplaces:

Network effect in Marketplaces is between demand-side participants and supply-side participants. Sellers attract buyers with exciting offers, who in turn attract more sellers, and so on. Moreover, Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Kickstarter, or UpWork are some examples of Marketplaces. These are two-sided platforms connecting supply with demand.

Buyers search for selected product or service but not for selected seller. Products or services are offered by multiple sellers who compete on price, reputation etc.

6. Content Crowdsourcing Platforms:

YouTube, Crackle, Twitch, and Yelp are some examples of Content Crowdsourcing Platforms. And, Network effect is observed between content contributors i.e., creators, and content consumers i.e., viewers of platform.

These types of platforms collect content from users in form of videos, blog posts, reviews, etc, and share this content with wide range of users.

7. On-demand Service Platforms:

On-demand Service Platforms incorporate processes of search, order, payment, fulfillment, and confirmation of service under one roof. Furthermore, Uber, DoorDash, Go-Mart, and Doz are samples of On-demand Service Platforms. These types of platforms offer end-to-end services to be fulfilled by group of independent service providers or contractors.



Designveloper is the leading software development company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, founded in early 2013 with a team of professional and enthusiastic Web developers, Mobile developers, UI/UX designers and VOIP experts.